Wednesday, September 12, 2007

El Gato...

Well, tis past time to put some pictures up about the little terror that has made my home his.

I doubt anyone realizes what he is really like in the morning!

He loves to sit in my lap, which can become dangerous if he decides it is time to play. Hands and arms become fair game.

The result of yesterday's rambunctious rampage - paw prints on my wall!

This morning I read a section out of Adventist Home and there was a quote that caught my eye:

"I saw that Jesus knows our infirmities and has Himself shared our experience in all things but in sin; therefore He has prepared for us a path suited to our strength and capacity and, like Jacob, has marched softly and in evenness with the children as they were able to endure, that He might entertain us by the comfort of His company and be to us a perpetual guide." AH 281:1

Isn't that amazing?! "He has prepared for us a path suited to our strength and capacity". He intimately understands and knows each one of us and He customizes the path He has for us. I know that is one thing I have struggled with many times, accepting His path. There are plenty of reasons not to do mission work, but even when it may not look like it to me: "the happiest place on earth for him was the place where God would have him to be." PP126:3 This is speaking about Abraham and his willingness to follow God's leading. Learning to trust Him and follow His leading will bring difficulty, sacrifice, happiness, and most importantly, a closer walk with Him. It is also the only experience we would want if we could but see. But we can't see and that can be a problem, but that is were faith comes in. Being willing, in our blindness, to accept God's leading and direction come what may.


Melanie said...

Your cat is wild man! But I'm glad you have him to add some spice to life. I still don't think it was very nice to put him up on the brick wall!!!!

Paeter said...

Ah...zee little ees can andle a meenute or two on zee vall.

Elizabeth said...

LOL Paeter, you're crazy sometimes man but that's why we get along so well!! Aside from the crazy/cute pics of Gato, the info at the bottom was what I needed to read for the day...even though I'm a little late reading it...since you posted it quite a few days ago. Alls I have to say is, why hasn't yo b-hind been to my blog? Pshhh! needs to check it out brotha! Peace out!

Paeter said...

Uh...I just don't know what to say....but glad the nugget was of use.