Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Change in Seasons

I took a break this evening and went outside to take some pictures. There was an interesting combination of things.

I usually thinks of flower buds as part of spring, but this rose has kept producing new flowers throughout the summer. Despite dry weather, that we are in the fall, or that it should get frosted soon, the rose has not stopped working.

Because the rose hasn't stopped and looked at the reasons to stop working, it is able to be a blessing to others.

The end of another year is on the way along with the end of another day.

The next three pictures reminds me of Philippians 4:19 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." The birds of the air do not worry about what they will eat, God provides for them.

In addition to the mixture already seen are promises of Spring, of new life (Magnolia buds).

Various little clues here and there point to the end of the year. They point in the direction of winter, of the end of the year - a clue here and a clue there. Someone mentioned in Sabbath School (in reference to the lesson) that the sheep don't know the path over which the Shepherd leads. Only a few feet or so of the winding path is visible. The sheep must trust the Shepherd. Similarly, with a compass, one doesn't know what may lie ahead on the trail, but what matters is following the arrow. God doesn't give a detailed itinerary, He expects us to trust Him. Will you?


kimberella said...

Paeter, you know I am a party girl! What you should really be wondering about are the pictures I don't post. I love your flower/fruit pics. The rose is beautiful

Paeter said...

Ha! Kim, you should post some of those!

Melanie said...

NICE PICS! I think that National Geo. has been needing some help lately. Anyways, I praise God for the seasons. They bring many lessons.

kimberella said...

Paeter, do know what curiosity did to the cat don't you?? ;)

Elizabeth said...

Wow Paeter...I'm am surprised and amazed by your eye for nature pics!! Very good! I should show my mom these...they've been needing an assistant...I'm just too busy! Well, thank you for sharing those! You always say the right things that make me think. I can't wait until the trees really start turning...I want to go out and photograph. I hope I don't miss it!

Paeter said...

Shoot, getting paid to globe trot doing nature photography...tell the Nat. Geo. to give me a call!