While I was waiting for the group to show for the Tuesday night meeting, I noticed that the hue of the sunshine changed to an orangish glow. I ran outside with the camera and snapped some quick pictures.
And now, zee special presentation from Paeter's Peas & Pasta.
A suggestion for a quick meal option. Now, I admit, this was an experiment and it is still in the experimental stages. I'm not quite happy with the sauce yet, but if you figure it out before I do, do please discreetly contact Paeter's Peas & Pasta with the details.
Take one can of the tomatoes and pour into fry pan or saute pan. Bring to a simmer.

Add whatever seasonings you like in your pasta sauce. Now, this does include black pepper which I didn't realize when I bought it, plus it has sugar...yuck. I think my problem with the finished product is the sugar, but I'm not sure - has a sweet tinge and I don't want that on my pasta sauce.
Boil your pasta. Pour finished sauce over pasta and serve.

Now, add in a generous salad and you should have about two meals worth of pasta. Now, this is certainly not as good as being made from scratch, but it presents the possibility of making a fairly nice sauce quick and easily (once the kinks are worked out) on short notice and in quantities easily consumed by one or two people.
Boil your pasta. Pour finished sauce over pasta and serve.
paeter that is so cool to see that 3 hrs away you had the same awesome sunset that we had here in fenton. it was out of this world!! oh and i will just ignore the commment you made on the mac...i know you are just jealous ;)
You are my favorite person right now. Orange is one of my fav. colors. Those leaves are gorgeous!!! Thanks for showing them. Oh, and that pasta looks great. It's 9 PM and you're makin me hungry!
I love the pictures you took of the leaves (and the sunset!)! I was just out in our orchard the other day taking pictures too! The fall colors are awesome! Keep up the cheffing business. Pretty soon you may be able to open a Paeter's Peas & Pasta restaurant.
Mmmm...Paeter's pasta! Looks yummy...but I think your other pasta is better! My mom makes her own sauce. I'll have to get you the recipe!
I'll 2nd orange being a grrreat color! My 2nd favorite to purple! Thanks again for the pics since I can't take any!
what in the world... way to serve yourself that kind of food when we're not around!!! anyways, i guess you made up for it by showing nice pics of pretty leaves. oh your next blog can be about how you inherited a bottle of Catawba... which by the way belongs to the resident at 534 mechanic...
just serve chilled at the next gathering!!! :)
Yeah...I'll second the serving of chilled catawba!!
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