Friday, February 29, 2008

Of Smoke and Fire

The previous post trumpted that there was breaking news. Well, here is the follow-up. I made my first pie back around the date of the last post. I had a terrible craving for some pumpkin pie, homemade pumpkin pie. Forget the store bought stuff...worthless. So, I got the crust recipe from my mom and for the pumpkin used the recipe on the back of the Libby's plain packed pumpkin (NOT the premade pumpkin pie mix). The problem was that I didn't see the part on the recipe that said it made enough for two (2) pies. Thankfully the crust recipe would make two pumpkin pies. Now, this was my first time making crust so I over worked it but was able to get it into the pan (Emile Henry - would highly recommend their pie pans). I poured in the pumpkin mix and realized that I had too much. Not to be overcome by this turn of events, I decided to build higher. When outward expansion is no longer an option, go up. So I took the extra crust and built up the sides of the pie and poured in the rest.

Now, I must say, I got away without using any condensed milk by using Silk Soy milk and a little bit of corn starch. I hope to replace the egg next time with flax meal. I'll have to figure out something else for the crust or else get a different crust recipe as it uses shortning. Anway, I placed the pie in the oven at 425 for 15 minutes then it was to go down to 350 for about an hour. Within about 10 minutes I hear this plop...sssssssss. I looked inside...OH NO!!!! part of the levee gave way! Pumpkin was gushing out of the pie and down the precipace to the oven bottom below!!! There wasn't much I could do but to watch in horror at the fillings demise. I closed the door and hoped for the best. Within five minutes there was a sickening sound...plop....sssssss! I frantically yanked the door open. NO! The other side gave way - there were now two torrents of pumpkin making their way to the bottom of the oven...sniffle. Well, to make the story a little shorter, the pie came out of the oven without any of the extra filling or crust.

The pie was sure good though!


Goldenrod said...

I just laughed and laughed!

God bless your heart, how long did it take you to get the oven clean?

Elizabeth said...

Hee hee. I saw that oven too! Well, I commend you for your efforts. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a mess. Guess pies have a mind of their own. Well culinary arts isn't your major, so you can get away with it. At least you're a better cook than a lot of us law people!