Wednesday, June 4, 2008

As the Paint Dries

I'm currently waiting for the paint to dry downstairs - the end is in site! I should be done with painting tonight (the AC helps)! All that is left is some touch up in the bathroom, finish the electrical, clean, and the hardest part - build out the door frame so I can then put on the trim around the two exterior doors.

A picture of what happens to those who do drive by water balloon attacks!

GASP! Hardware!

Replacing plugs and switches is a pain, but it does add a nice touch.

I received this book yesterday, 'Delighted in God'. It is the story of George Muller as written by Roger Steer. I believe this is going to be a very good book. I read the intro, ch 1, and part of ch. 20 today. The author noted that ch. 20 outlines some basic principles of prayer so I had to take a look. I've read very little of the book yet already it is really making me think. I'd like to share the principles that Muller gave:

1) Our requests must be according to God's will

2) We mustn't ask on account of our own goodness or merit, but 'in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ'-John 14:13, 14; Psalm 66:18 "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened." 'That is,' he said 'if I live in sin, and go on in a course hateful to God, I many not expect my prayers to be answered.'

3) We must exercise faith in the power and willingness of God to answer our prayers. 'This is deeply important,' Muller said. 'In Mark 11:24 we read, "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours", 'Whatever you ask for' - of whatever kind - 'believe that you have received it, and it will be yours'. I have found invariably that in the fifty-four years and nine months during which I have been a believer, that if I only believed I was sure to get, in God's time, the thing I asked for. I woul despecially lay this on your heart that you exercise faith in the power and willingness of God to answer your requests...To see that He is able you have only to look at the resurection of the Lord Jesus Christ; for having raised Him from the dead, He must have almighty power. As to the love of God, you have only to look to the cross of Christ, and see His love in not sparing His Son, in not withholding His only begotten Son from death.

4) 'We have to continue patiently waiting on God till the blessing we seek is granted. For observe, nothing is said in the text as to the time in which, or the circumstances under which, the prayer is to be answered...We might as well say here is no need to tell Him once, for He knows beforehand what our need is. He wants us to prove that we have confidence in Him, and that we take our place as creatures towards the Creator. [I thought that last part of the sentences was interesting] 'Moreover, we are never to lose sight of the fact that there may be particular reasons why prayer may not at once be answered. One reason may be the need for the exercise of our faith, for by exercise our faith is strengthened. We all know that if our faith were not exercised it would remain as it was at first...Another reason may be that we may glorify God by the manifestation of patience [I had never thought of it like that before]. This is a grace by which God is greatly magnified. Our manifestation of patience glorifies God. There may be another reason. Our heart may not yet be prepared for the answer to our prayer.

"...go on praying; only be sure you ask for things that are according to the mind of God, for He does not desire the death of the sinner...Go on, therefore, praying; expect an answer, look for it, and in the end you will have to praise God for it."

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