Tuesday afternoon and evening I spent several hours out on the beach and was given company by a number of sea gulls. There were several issues I was contemplating, one of which was in regards to mission aviation vs. law/other occupation. Now and in the past, the more I have headed towards law, the less settled with it I have become. Since 8th grade the idea of mission aviation has popped up now (due to a particular article in the Adventist Review about a certain mission pilot) and then and each time I have either been talked out of it or pushed the idea out of my head.
"Nothing will so arouse a self-sacrificing zeal and broaden and strengthen the character as to engage in work for others." -CS 179:2
"Their need is a vital union with Jesus Christ. Then it can be said of them, 'Ye are laborers together with God.' I want to say to many, You are waiting for some one to carry you to the vineyard and set you to work, or to bring the vineyard to you, that you may experience no inconvenience in labor. You will wait in vain. If you will lift up your eyes, you will see the harvest ripe, ready for the sickle, whichever way you may look; you will find work close by and far off. But of how many will Christ say in the judgement, 'Good and faithful servants'?" -CS 179:3
"It was no light test that was thus brought upon Abraham, no small sacrifice that was required of him. There were strong ties to bind him to his country, his kindred, and his home. But he did not hesitate to obey the call. He had no question to ask concerning the Land of Promise...God had spoken, and His servant must obey; the happiest place on earth for him was the place where God would have him to be." -CS 181:2
"Many are still tested as was Abraham. They do not hear the voice of God speaking directly from the heavens, but He calls them by the teachings of His Word and the events of this providence. They may be required to abandon a career that promises wealth and honor, to leave congenial and profitable associations, and separate from kindred, to enter upon what appears to be only a path of self-denial, hardship, and sacrifice. God has a work for them to do; but a life of ease and the influence of friends and kindred would hinder the development of the very traits essential for its accomplishment. He calls them away from human influences and aid, and leads them to feel the need of His help, and to depend upon Him alone, that He may reveal Himself to them." -CS 181:3
"While many are waiting to have every obstacle removed, souls are dying without hope and without God in the world. Many, very many, for the sake of worldly advantage, for the sake of acquiring scientific knowledge, will venture into pestilential regions, and endure hardship and privation. Where are those who are willing to do this for the sake of telling others of the Savior?" -CS 182:4
God wants us to stretch our wings. He wants us to fly. He doesn't want us to be satisfied down on the ground, stuck on earth.
But all to often we squack and drag our feet or allow our gaze to be diverted from Jesus. Thankfully God is longsuffering, He wants us to soar.
But even with flight, sometimes we are content to fly near the ground, for it is safer.
I think of the following verse. Eagles don't cruise around near the ground. They fly high, they soar, they get up high where currents of air will lift them up. God wants each of us to soar.
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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