Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Garden

This past week some work & harvesting was done at the garden. There was actually quite a bit of weeding to do as no one had gotten out there to tend to it because of hectic schedules.

Kyle weeding the corn. This is the late variety. We missed the best time to pick the early corn so it was dried up. It can be like that with life too. EGW mentions that God provides opportunities, success depends on the use made of them. There is a window of time when a farmer can harvest. When that window of time has passed so has the opportunity - the fruit is now worthless, spoiled because no one picked it. It is like that with life and the Gospel commision - there are people who are receptive to the Gospel, but that may only be for a window of time.

There is a quote from "The Secret Garden" (the Hallmark movie is the better one and goes well with the book). "Where you tend a rose, a thistle cannot grow." These tomato plants were not tended to, trained and so they grew wildly. Plenty of weeds sprang up as well. By the time we tried to bring some order to the growth, they were too old and overgrown to be flexible enough to work with and the weeds were pretty much a lost cause - especially on the side I am standing. It is the same in life. We have to constantly watch for the weeds that spring up in our lives that will hinder the grown of the plant that Christ has planted in each of us. We also have to guide that plant by the Bible and prayer. The Bible talks about training up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. If that training isn't done early, habits and traits become set in the character and they are more difficult to remove. Thankfully, Christ is the Master Gardener and He knows how to prune and train us.

Kyle holding some broccoli that has gone to seed. We missed the fruit!

Well, this was about all that the watermellon was good for. Kyle and I both thought we purchased sugar baby mellons, but these are needing to get alot bigger to ripen...nothing like tasting green watermellon!

The mellon is too early, the cucumbers are too late...somewhere in between is just right. God knows each of our hearts and He knows what is just right for each of us.


holamickey said...

Paeter -
Nice work on the garden. I'm did get a laugh out of your pregnancy... now I'm going to try and forget the image left on my mind.

We did a "Paeter look-alike" - check my blog.

kimberella said...

You guys worked so hard on getting that garden ready. Sorry it didn't work out how you planned it to. You learned some important lessons though and that's what counts...right??

I pretty much have the same comments abour your "pregnancy" that Micheal does :)

Melanie said...

Congrats paeter, When's the baby due? It looks pretty FULL term!!

Paeter said...

Well, the baby was "delivered". It was is unfortunate that they don't make incubators for watermellons. Doctors ended up disecting it for educational purposes...a rather ignoble end.