Monday, November 5, 2007

A Sunday Evening.

Peas & Pasta has done it! The experimental pasta sauce has reached maturity and is ready for mass production trials! It took a bit more seasoning than I thought to mask the sweetness, but it is working out well! Yum!!! Yum!!! This is nice because even though I like Prago, my eating habits and the quantity of sauce the Prago jars contain leave with the distinct problem of too much sauce and also of the possibility of it going bad in the fridge. This offers a nice alternative.

Ready to join the pasta! It has been tempting to eat the sauce by itself!

Ready to serve.

An odd thing happened. Some homeless guy showed up at my door yesterday afternoon around 4:00PM. I did feed him before he left and he liked it so much he gave it a thumbs up.


Staci said...

That food looks really good. And that is saying a lot because I haven't had much of an appetite the last few days due to a bad case of strep throat. Keep feeding the homeless. For in feeding them you feed Christ!

Melanie said...

Very funny! I see you pulled out the meal in question for the "homeless man"!!! Looks just a bit like KYLE! Just as long as you didn't serve any of that catawba?!

Autumn said...

Ya Paeter, it does kinda look like Kyle... hmmm... do we all have to be homeless to enjoy your pasta? or are you going to give out the recipe??

Paeter said...

Big scuse on ya'lls' (what does one do in such spelling cunundrum?) attempts to "out" the poor fellow that showed up at my door.......

For those that are interested in the sauce recipe, there is more detail a couple blogs back.

As far as the Catawba...there is a very tempting bottle that is sitting in the fridge all by itself without any social interaction...Kyle & Oswald practically had to tie ET to the chair to protect it.

Twas a narrow escape for the little bottle, barely by the thickness of its foil wrapping. I'm not sure how much longer it will beat the odds! ;)

Elizabeth said...

BIG scuse indeed!! Conundrum is the correct spelling...and we'all might've been born at night but not last night Mr. Pasta!!

All I have to say for the accusation at hand is...there was no thoughts of tying me down! I stayed right in my chair! And if drank, it was going to be replaced with another bottle of the same kind & flavor!! BIG scuse!!! What's the old saying about pointing fingers Mr. Pasta?

Thank you for feeding the "homeless"...I'll remember that when I don't have anything to whip up! I don't think I can look quite as skinny though.

Paeter said...

Well, there sure weren't no 3 fingers pointing back at me! The house is presently well stocked so there will be plenty to go around.

Elizabeth said...

3 fingers? Whose fingers would those be? I'm so confused...what's new right? Awesome!! I can always count on you Paeter for a full-wine cellar(closet)!

kimberella said...

I am sure you're right....maybe you should add them to your pasta dish!!

Melanie said...

Paeter, let's talk about that mass amount of tortillas in your freezer! Man alive, I'm beginning to wonder if you run a cafeteria line everyday... what are the hours?! Anyways, "short visits make long time friends"....Oh and I think that catawba was gulped down right in front of me yesterday. WOW! well, twas a great weekend for all the people who stopped by I'm sure! Thanks for opening your house for all the fun and blessings.

Elizabeth said...

I'll second that! I mean the opening of the house...I'm guilty of the consumation of the Catawba! Thanks again Paeter!! Twas mucho fun! :O)

Paeter said...

Well, Peas & Pasta has been contemplating doing a "hot set cold set" to try out those tortillas! A little messy eating now and then can add entertainment value to a meal!

Melanie said...

paet, I think the homeless man was seen last night at your house without a mask. better keep things underwraps a little better. oh and he was eating...hummmmm?!

Paeter said...

Ha! You know - its hard to keep things underwraps when the homeless dude shows up in everything but a tie...even with a laptop!

Elizabeth said...

LOL Busted!! The true identity has been uncovered and revealed by Melanie & Elizabeth...the fearless, prickly-pair!!

That was a pretty nicely dressed homeless dude!! If I ever seen one!