Friday, January 18, 2008

Recently Underline Quotes and Old Pictures

Presently I am listing to a choir sing "Silent Night" in german. I suppose it is somewhat odd, today has been the first time in at least a, way more than a year that I have played my Christmas CD's and just sat down and listened. I'd say that the time spent thus ranks right up there to listening to Handel's "Messiah". What is it about music such as "Messiah" or "Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen" (Lo, how a rose e'er blooming) that reaches and lifts one's focus to grander themes?

Here are a few quotes that I underlined recently:

"So spiritual is the character of God's work upon the human heart that receives it that it makes every one a new creature without destroying or weakening any capability God has given to man. It purifies every attribute fit for connection with the divine nature." ~MS 1 1987 (MCP 15)

"Science, in order to be fully appreciated, must be viewed from a religious standpoint. Then all will worship the God of science...The attributes of God as seen in His created works can be appreciated only as we ahve a knowledge of the Creator...Knowledge is power for good only whe united with true piety. A soul emptied of self will be noble. Christ abiding in the heart by faith will make us wise in God's sight." ~MS 44, 1894 (MCP 16)

"The promises of God are not for us to claim rashly, to protect us while we rush on recklessly into danger, violating laws of nature or disregarding prudence and the judgement God has given us to use. This would not be genuine faith but presumption..." ~Lt 1a, 1872 (MCP 25)

[Comment: If you haven't seen the new movie "Amazing Grace" I'd recommend you rent it. The following quote made me think of it.]

"Sin affects the entire being; so also does grace." Lt 8, 1891 (MCP 29)

"What gives the proper level to the human mind? It is the cross of Calvary. By looking unto Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith, all the desires for self-glorification is laid in the dust...As we contemplate the cross, we are enabled to see the wonderful provision it has brought to every believer. God in Christ...if seen aright, will level human exaltation and pride. There will be no self-exaltation, but there will be true humility." ~Lt 20, 1897 (MCP 30)

"The value of man as God estimates him is through his union with Christ, for God is the only One able to raise man in the scale of moral worth through the righteousness of Christ." ~Lt9, 1873 (MCP 30)

[A slight intermission: the music is spectacular - 'Christmas Oratorio: "Jauchzet, frohlocket" (opening chorus) by Bach]

"God calls upon His creatures to turn their attention from the confusion and perplexity around them and admire His handiwork. The heavenly bodies are worthy of contemplation. God has made them for the benefit of man, and as we study His works, angels of God will be by our side to enlighten our minds and guard them from satanic deception." ~MS 96, 1899 (MCP 33)

"From the endless variety of plants and flowers, we may learn an important lesson. All blossoms are not the same in form or color. Some possess healing virtues. Some are always fragrant. There are professing Christians who think it their duty to make every other Christian like themselves. This is man's plan, not the plan of God. In the church of God there is room for characters as varied as are the flowers in a garden. In His spiritual garden there are many varieties of flowers." ~ Lt 95, 1902 (MCP 54)

[Intermission: AHH! - "Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus". Munich Bach Chorus and Orchestra]

"The gospel of Christ becomes personality in those who believe, and makes them living epistles, known and read of all men" ~RH, Dec 15, 1891 (MCP66) [Isn't that amazing?]

"The specific place appointed us in life is determined by our capabilities. Not all reach the same development or do with equal efficiency the same work. God does not expect the hyssop to attain the proportions of the cedar, or the olive the height of the stately palm. But each should aim just as high as the union of human with divine power makes it possible for him to reach." ~Ed 267:1

"We need to follow more closely God's plan of life. To do our best in the work that lies nearest, to commit our ways to God, and to watch for the indications of His providence--these are rules that ensure safe guidance in the choice of an occupation." ~Ed 267:3

Well, back to a rerun of "Jauchzet, frohlocket" by Bach!


Elizabeth said...

Paeter...I'm starting to get a little worried about you man! You're blog here is a little "out there". I think you are spending too much time on the books!! Well, at least you've been spending some time with your friends though. We appreciate that. Thanks for the nifty pics. Keep it real...don't get too spaced! :)

kimberella said...

While I love your pictures and the beauty they bring to my computer screen, I have to say that I am mighty glad I am in 80+ weather everyday!!

Paeter said...

Kim...I am might glad I am in temperatures below freezing :). blog is not a "little "out there"". It is an assortment of quotes with brief interuptions to comment on the music being listened to. Try it sometime :)