Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Peas & Pasta wishes to thank the interested readers for their interest in reading. As soon as publishable material is available, it will be published. It is hoped that in the fairly close future the material will be compiled, reviewed, sorted, arranged, modified, embelished, edited, revised, tweeked, reviewed, edited, and published. ~Management


Elizabeth said...

Nice. Well put Paet...I mean, management. :)

Goldenrod said...

Have you written anything, yet, in February? Your posts have been viewed only occasionally by me in the past, I must confess, but I'm hopeful that there will be many more!

Paeter said...

Goldenrod...I must admit, it must be bad when people I don't know take me to task for not posting. The 29th contains some posts. Enjoy and thanks for reading and commenting.