Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week Five!

Wow, it is hard to believe that tomorrow will make five weeks! I've included some pictures of the past week in this post.

This is one of the more relaxed Saturday nights that have happened since I've been here. Left to right: Ruan, Kody, Tara, Lyli. Work is slowly being done to improve the electrical system at the school. Some nights there is enough electricity whereas others it gets drained quickly. We try not to have computers plugged in after 4:30 or so since that is when the solar panel doesn't get sun anymore.

I don't understand the intrigue. Ruan & Tara were working on Sudoku problems.

Inside the future girls dorm. I am standing in what will be the courtyard looking at the chapel. The entrance will have a gate to secure the building. Here Ruan is talking with several of the students who are doing the stucco.

Left to right: Noel, Max, Joaquin

Well, on Monday I was picking up some 4x4 posts that were beside Keila's house to use in the garden for the tomatoes. I kicked the board and turned it over and there was a scorpion. I wasn't sure if it was dead or alive as the tail was flat to the side and it didn't move so I nudged it with my boot and it was alive! It hustled under the board to which I responded by standing on the board but that didn't do anything. So I picked up the board and moved it and the scorpion started my direction (sort of) so I picked up a brick and thus ended its last charge.

The crazy thing is this morning for worship in the cafe I sat down next to Keila (the staff tend to sit at a table or stand around it). We stood up for prayer and I saw a scorpion scurry from just behind my boots to hide under the bench (there is a board along the ground that connects to the two legs as reinforcement). Needless to say I wasn't all that thrilled and Keila had flipflops on so she picked up the bench and I...uh...ushered the scorpion to the happy hunting ground.

Time has flown during the past weeks and priorities begin to change. It is a totally different world to be out and 'on the front lines' as some have called it. It is but isn't the same as doing a short term mission trip. Do take the time to be involved in your church for it won't get done any other way. I would encourage you to reread Revelation 3:14-21. Lets trade what will burn for that which won't.

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